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My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding. Psalm 49:3

I couldn’t sleep the other night. The burdens and happenings of family and work were swirling in my head keeping me awake. So I got up to watch a little TV to reset myself. I clicked on the first option titled “Five Things.” It was a program that promised to provide us with 5 things we needed to start our day. 5 short headlines were highlighted related to the most current news of the day.

I wondered to myself, what are 5 things we need to know every day as Christians? I thought about the new guided meditation I tried that week titled, “Flower-Fresh.” It helped center me, and quiet my heart, mind, and body in harmony and peace. When our minds and bodies are racing, it is always a good idea to slow down. This meditation equips us for the week ahead, come what may, with images of freedom from creation that expand our faith and bring peace to our hearts.

Are you ready to imagine yourself with new thoughts and images? Here  is the Flower meditation reinterpreted by me as 5 Things to know as a Christian:

  1. You are a Flower. Flowers make the world fresh and new. You are connected to creation. You are as beautiful as a flower in God’s eyes. Thinking of ourselves as a flower is a fresh image reminding us we are children of God seeing the world with new eyes. Breathe in - Flower. Breathe out – Feel Fresh.
  2. You are a Mountain. Mountains are steady and solid. They weather storms that come and go and stand steady just as we can weather our thoughts. Mountains are holy places where Jesus prayed. You are steady and strong in Christ. Breathe in - Mountain. Breathe out - Solid.
  3. You are a Lake: Lakes of clear, calm water reflect the trees and sky above. Lakes give us stillness in our souls with time to reflect on our lives just as God calls us, “Be still and know that I am God.” Breathe in – Still water. Breathe out – Reflecting.
  4. You are Space: Outer space is free of gravity and releases weight and heavy burdens. Just like Jesus’ forgiveness releases us from all that weighs us down. Imagine you are floating in space and let go of painful thoughts and discomfort to be free in the love of Christ. Breathe in – Space. Breathe out – Free.
  5. You are a Blessing: All of God’s children have value, are Beloved, included, cherished, and blessed with gifts of the Spirit in faith, hope, joy, and love. Breathe in – Blessing. Breathe out – Blessed.

Flower-Fresh, Pastor Andrea