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Job Openings

Currently, we have no job openings.

Meet Our Senior Pastor
Rev. Andrea Cain

The light of my life is faith and family. I love cooking meals with my family and enjoy hiking, biking, and historical fiction.

I graduated with a B.A. in Organizational Communication from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and earned a Master of Divinity at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. 

I have been serving at Desert Cross since 2014. Helping people build faithful relationships with Jesus and with each other in community brings me great joy. It is a gift to be a leader in God's church living out faith in daily life and discovering our gifts to love and serve our neighbors.

Fun fact: I am a descendant of Curly Willoughby who was a rider for The Pony Express!

Meet Our Associate Pastor
Rev. Thaddeus Book

I joined Desert Cross as Associate Pastor in January of 2021. I come from a family of farmers in Northern Illinois. I graduated from Valparaiso University in 2005 and then enrolled at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio where I received my Master of Divinity in 2009. My first call was as Associate Pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Reynoldsburg, Ohio for five years, and then I served at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania for six years. My wife, Laura, and I have two children, Lincoln and Everett.

I root for the Green Bay Packers in the winter and the Chicago Cubs in the summer.  I like to read novels, listen to podcasts, and hike with my family in my spare time. I am passionate about creating community in the midst of an ever-fragmented culture.

Fun fact: Thanks to my fifth-grade music teacher, I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order in about 15 seconds.



Meet Our Team

Doug Bjotvedt - Director of Operations & Property
480-730-8600 ext. 103

Tessa Faust - Director of Youth Ministry

Shannon Fossett - Director of Children's Ministries
480-730-8600 ext. 115

Denise McClellan - Director of Adult Ministries & Missional Service
480-730-8600 ext. 116

Joni Van Rossum - Director of Worship & Media Arts

Denise Viker, RN - Parish Nurse
480-730-8600 ext. 122

Wendy Williams - Office Administrator


Ariane Nannenga - Children's Ministry Assistant

Meet Our Council

The church council meets the third Monday of every month. If you have a question and you are unable to speak with one of the representatives in person or over the phone, you can contact the council via email at

Currently serving on our Church Council:
Anna Sion – President
Angela Nannenga – Past President
Vicki English – Vice President
Marie Ihlefeld – Secretary
Brent Borchers – Treasurer
Adam Clark – Member At Large, Tempe
Gail Dempsey – Member At Large, Tempe
Carolyn Perkins – Member At Large, Gilbert
Mari Johnson – Member At Large, Gilbert

Monthly Church Council Reports are available here.

Meet Our Chamber

The Gilbert chamber meets the second Tuesday of every month. If you have a question or concern, please contact one of the representatives.

Currently serving on our Chamber:
Dana Hargis – Hospitality
Leslie DeMarco – Communications
Gary Balliet – Finance & Stewardship
Jean O'Donnell – Outreach
Carolyn Perkins – Church Council Member
Mari Johnson – Church Council Member
Rosemary Schlechty – Education
Joe Weingartz – Facilities
Tracey Landa – Worship

Gilbert Chamber Minutes available here.