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Jesus said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14

Growing up, my siblings and I spent most summers helping my dad in his big, backyard garden. He planted and grew all the produce you could want and more. Mom had no lack of vegetables to wash, cut, can, and cook! Dad took time to teach us how to till, plant, water, and care for the plants as well as harvesting them. It was a way of showing his love for us. Dad continues to pass on his gardening skills to the neighbor children and the grandkids, spending precious time answering questions patiently and teaching the children about gardening. He takes delight in the children’s curiosity, and he values children as precious people who need adults to be loving in this world.

Jesus took time to care for the children and to love them. When others thought he shouldn’t waste his time that way, he rebuked them. He took the children into his arms and blessed them. He said that the kingdom of God was best reflected in the humble, gentle, innocent ways of children. That is his call for how we are to be in this world and that is what will bring change for good. Just as Jesus took the children in his arms, Jesus is between us and whomever we encounter today as his followers. As the speaker at my recent conference commented, “Whoever we meet or greet, Jesus is there with us. We don’t just love others with human love but with God’s love.” This unconditional love is love for truth and love for serving, without expectation of reward.” As you reflect on being a disciple of Jesus, learn how he would live your life with love in 2024 and create gardens of love that will grow kindness and care for all of God’s children.

Plant love, Pastor Andrea