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Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Psalm 145:4 “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts …”

 Recently we were treated to live music at a historic hotel. The singer played acoustic guitar in blue jeans, a t-shirt, and a trucker cap. He was a talented guitar player with a golden voice! We were mesmerized as he played song after song sharing his gift of music with us.

We learned that he was a concrete construction worker by day and musician by night. He was the last of a line of family musicians, and he lamented that his brother was not musical. His father taught him how to play guitar and all the songs he knew. He got a little misty when he shared that his father had died recently, and he was playing his dad’s guitar. We assured him how special it was that he carried on the musical legacy of his family. The music was part of his DNA, and you could feel his passion and love when he shared his songs with us.

That guitar passed down from father to son got me thinking about ways we pass on the word of God and faith through the generations. The Psalmist describes how each generation passes on the faith to the next with stories, memories and witness through prayer, scripture, worship, and by example in daily life. We want to pass on the word of God from generation to generation so they know the stories that tell of the grace and peace that is ours in Christ. We model our faith, we bring our children, friends, and neighbors to church and Christian education, and share scripture, devotions, and prayers with one another. For more ways to pass on the faith, check out our website: Faith Formation.

Like our musician, sometimes when we pass it on, it really sticks. While others grow in their own time. Instead of lamenting, we can trust that all the ways we have passed on the faith through the generations plant seeds that God will grow in unexpected and even unseen ways. In the meantime, we can continue to tell the stories of God’s love, and to share our passion for the wonderful ways God has worked in our lives. People need to hear about faith, hope, and love! Faith is part of our DNA that we want to pass on from generation to generation.

Pass it on, Pastor Andrea