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Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

Our February Faith Formation theme is “Wisdom.” Our monthly themes as we Worship, Learn, and Serve together are chosen by our Faith Formation team based on the scriptures for weekly worship. The Wisdom theme was chosen a while back, and it turned out to be timely as we face lots of change in our lives and our world. Encountering change can drive us to seek wisdom. It’s easy to be distracted from our call to live out faith in daily life sharing mercy and love where we can. We need God’s wisdom to keep us centered on God’s love even in chaos.

The Wisdom literature in Scripture can help us get some focus in turbulent times. Our adult forum discussed this and here are some places we also find wisdom: friends, parents, philosophy, wisdom literature like “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, in conversation, meditation, music, poetry, other religious traditions. Where do you seek wisdom?

 I invited our adult forum participants to read a chapter a day of Proverbs in February. The book is 31 chapters so that adds up with a few extra chapters sprinkled in! I invite you to focus on Wisdom with us:

Step 1: Go to the Desert Cross Faith Formation website:

Step 2: Click on the Adult Playlist tab at the top of the page. There are also Children & Youth playlists!

Step 3: Watch the two short but engaging videos from The Bible Project**

Step 4: Read a chapter (or so) of Proverbs per day.

Step 5: Work through the Wisdom Playlist at your own pace through February.

Step 6: Listen to our theme song and reflect on our hope in Christ: Christ Our Wisdom

Step 7: Be filled with Wisdom!

**Having socio-historical context before reading Proverbs is crucial so do your homework! The videos outline the theme of Proverbs, share the biblical context, and show how the chapter themes fit into the whole.

Wise together, Pastor Andrea