As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. Mark 9:15
This apropos note by blogger fleurdelisspeaks crossed my screen this week! It’s like a reset button in a time that is busy and challenging in church and in the “holiday season.” It is easy to be overwhelmed with stress, negativity, and fear. It is my prayer that we will be overwhelmed with wonder at the love, compassion, gratitude, joy, and grace that we have in Jesus and our church community. It is my prayer that we will overwhelm the people around us with gratitude and love, compassion, joy, and grace. Specifically, I invite you to overwhelm our staff with gratitude this month in thanksgiving for all of the innovative, creative, faithful, and just plain hard work put into serving and loving Desert Cross throughout the pandemic.
I have never had the pleasure of leading and serving with a group of people who are more faithful, loyal, committed, energetic, positive, and committed to the mission of the organization they serve. Nowhere will we find a harder working group of people who were willing to follow my lead and “pivot” at a moment’s notice, to dig deep and find energy to create new ministries in a terrible time in our country, willing to work more hours than they are compensated for, and produce above and beyond to ensure that our mission is fulfilled and all are reached, served, loved, and included.
I stand in wonder at the privilege I have been given to lead this amazing staff that Desert Cross is blessed to have worshiping, praying, serving, and working alongside to further our mission of sharing God’s love in this world. They are worthy to be appreciated and overwhelmed with God’s love, compassion, and grace as they continue their faithful work in both helping to create the vision, do the work, and raise up volunteers and leaders to work alongside them to serve and develop faith with Jesus in the center of our mission.
I wish you the blessing of being overwhelmed with love and grace this Advent season as we prepare for the moment the world was overwhelmed with God’s love as Jesus made his home here on earth. Giving thanks for you and all you do to make Desert Cross a loving place.
Overwhelmed with love, Pastor Andrea