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May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Galatians 6:18

These vivid purple wildflowers grace the hillside of a nature preserve in Thousand Oaks, California. Notice there are also pink wildflowers and in the yonder white wildflowers. They grow free and wild sharing their stunning beauty with all who pass by generously and without discretion. Visitors from California, Australia, the Philippines, Mexico, Japan, and more stream by, and all are blessed exclaiming in their native languages as the wind carries their voices together up the hillside. The wildflowers bring joy and wonder into the world just by their nature. They share their beauty freely with all people.  That is grace.

Grace is God’s free, unconditional gift of love for all people released into our world by Jesus Christ. It runs free and wild and is available for everyone. Grace is a gift we can share that blooms like wildflowers covering a hillside. Trusting in God’s grace is the sweetest gift that changes how we live. The more grace is received, the more grace blooms. God invites us to live with a spirit of grace. Where are you touched by grace? Where are you touching other people’s lives with this free gift of love that brings joy?  May you be blessed as you share a vivid faith and love freely in a spirit of grace that blooms like wildflowers.

Grace be with your spirit, Pastor Andrea