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Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Let the wise listen and add to their learning,
    and let the discerning get guidance—Proverbs 1:5

 We are never too young, too old, too intelligent, too ignorant, too experienced, or too naïve to learn something new! Lifelong learning is for everyone and is an important facet of our lives both personally and professionally. I will be spending some days this month at a continuing education conference learning something new and having fellowship with colleagues.

The speaker is an author and CEO the Center for Christianity and Public Life who will help us wrestle with the question, “Can our faith bring healing, hope, and grace to bear in the lives of our people and for the good of all?” It’s a time for church leaders to consider and receive guidance on how spiritual formation is central to civic renewal. The intersection of faith and public life is a current and interesting topic that I’m excited to learn about and explore.

No matter how much we know, there is always room to learn more which helps us grow and adapt in life and in leadership. What topics interest you and what are you hoping to learn before the end of 2024? I encourage you to read a book, take a class, research, or attend a seminar in-person or online on a topic that will expand your mind and help you to listen, learn, and receive guidance as we journey down this path of life and faith together.

Learn away, Pastor Andrea