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Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

What a wonderful way to be greeted in my kitchen this morning – a “rainbow” on my coffee bean jar! My two favorite things together! We’ve been concentrating on the small things and morning coffee is one that I treasure. The addition of the rainbow blessing my coffee beans brought me a small joy before I left the house for the office to continue our Lenten preparations at church. It reminded me of the special promise that God is always with us as a beautiful reminder of the hope we have in Christ.

Rainbows are a visible sign of God’s forgiveness and grace, a beautiful invitation to be in relationship with God, and a reminder that God is always connected to us and to creation. I share this with you as a reminder that we are connected in Christ through faith, hope, and love. Can you imagine a more beautiful thing in these challenging days?!

Another sign of God with us is the ash cross traced on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday. This cross is a sign of both death and life. It is a reminder of the cleansing of our hearts we receive from Jesus that gives us a new start to serve and love others. It reminds us of our mortality and humanity with the comfort that we are marked with the cross of Christ forever with the promise of “God with us” and eternal life. What other signs remind you of God’s love and faithfulness to you? Look for these things and hang onto hope! And then share it!

Shine on, Pastor Andrea