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  May your words give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29

 Words carry weight. But we throw them around like there is no gravity. As if they don’t land on us and make their mark. Now more than ever, these words from the Apostle Paul are needed, “May your words give grace to those who hear.” There are many words of scripture reminding us of the damage our tongues inflict. In order to measure the weight of our words, we must W.AI.T. before we speak.  

I first learned W.A.I.T. as part of my MBSR training in Mindful Meditation. This is a screenshot of the PowerPoint presentation on Mindful Communication. I wanted to save this wonderfully simple way to remember the weight of our words by waiting before we speak. Asking ourselves these simple questions before we release words from our mouths: “Why. Am. I. Talking?” Instead of inflicting damage with our words, may our words land softly on those who hear them, and may our words give grace to those who hear just as the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, showers us with grace upon grace. Amen.


Pastor Andrea