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The DCLC Endowment Fund is accepting scholarship grant applications for graduating high school seniors, class of 2022. Applications may be downloaded from the church website here and are due in the church office by Sunday, June 15.

To qualify for a scholarship grant award the student must:

  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Submit the form by June 15.
  3. Submit a one-page Faith Statement with the initial application.
  4. Be a communing member of DCLC, as defined in the church constitution and by-laws.
  5. Have participated in DCLC activities such as youth group, worship service, nursery aide, Etc.

For students continuing their college educations, scholarship grants may be renewed, for a total of 4 grants. Those requesting a scholarship renewal at the college level shall submit an unofficial copy of their current transcript showing a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. Scholarship renewal requests do not need a second faith paper.