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Every fourth Tuesday evening of the month the Azcend bus (non-profit agency) pulls up to Desert Cross’ Community Center and 22 unhoused people file out. You will see them carrying sleeping mats, cleaning supplies, and plastic garbage bags. The garbage bags are filled with a sheet, a blanket, a towel, and personal possessions (clothes and toiletries). This garbage bag follows the unhoused person the entire week as this community moves from church to church throughout the month. These garbage bags get ripped and damaged. They are for temporary use only.

Our I-Help sponsor Azcend has asked participating congregations for backpacks to replace these garbage bags. The backpacks will become the personal property of each unhoused person. Our Desert Cross I-Help program is asking for congregational members to help in providing backpacks. Backpacks can be purchased locally and left at the back of the church or you can click on a link that will take you directly to where you will find a designated backpack picked out especially for this ministry.

The backpack is $31.99 + $5.99 (shipping) + $2.97 (tax) = $40.99 total
If you would like to order this backpack from Amazon click on the link below:

You will see a picture of the backpack. Below the backpack, there is a tab “add to cart”. Click this tab. A second page opens, click backpack subtotal. Then finally click “place your order”.

This backpack will be sent to me (Glen Stadler) and I will be bringing it to Azcend for distribution.

Whether you pick up a backpack locally or use Amazon, I want to thank you for your kindness and generosity, knowing that an unhoused person is sleeping next to a gift you purchased for them.