Book Group Thursdays 2:00 pm Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom OR Thursdays 7:00 pm Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom January 30-February 27 Desert Cross celebrated 40 years of ministry last year, and we spent some time looking back on our history together. The Book Group is taking this idea and following a family for 100 years. Jane Smiley's trilogy starts in 1920 with the Langdon family on their farm in Iowa. We read the first book in the fall, and we're continuing this series in the new year with Early Warning. Join us for the books that fit your schedule.
Book Fee: $16.00 Scholarships Available
To sign up for the afternoon group, contact Lola Peterson
To sign up for the evening group, contact Denise McClellan or 480-730-8600
Book Group
Thursdays 2:00 pm Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom OR Thursdays 7:00 pm Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom April 24-May 22 We'll finish Jane Smiley's trilogy by reading Golden Age. This is the final book following 100 years of the Langdon family.
Book Fee: $20.00 Scholarships Available
To sign up for the afternoon group, contact Lola Peterson
To sign up for the evening group, contact Denise McClellan