Sundays 9:45-10:15am Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom OR Sundays 10:45-11:15am Gilbert Sanctuary Meeting February 23 We choose a monthly theme based on the lessons read during the worship services. We explore the theme by discussing the lessons and using the Adult Playlist posted each month on our Faith Formation Website.
For more information, contact Pastor Andrea
or Pastor Thadd
tbook@desertcross.orgPastor Class with Pastor Steve Glimpses of God in the Psalms of Lent March 6, 13, 20, & April 10 Thursdays 7:00pm Tempe Sanctuary The psalms have been called the "Prayerbook of the Bible." During the four sessions of this class, we'll be looking at the context and content of eight psalms that have been traditionally read during the season of Lent. When we see how each psalmist related to God in various life situations, we'll be able to see how God continues to be present in every circumstance of our own lives. Each session will last about one hour, and will provide time for questions and reflection.
For more information and to sign up, contact Pastor Steve at sholm90@gmail.comPastor Class with Pastor Thadd Coming in May Watch for Details in Upcoming Weekly Updates Gilbert Site For more information and to sign up, contact Pastor Thadd at